
What is a First In First Out (FIFO) queue?

A FIFO queue ensures that items are processed in the exact order they are received. Imagine it as a line at a coffee shop, where the first customer to arrive is the first one to be served. This principle is essential for maintaining fairness and order in various systems, including our virtual waiting rooms.

In queuing theory, this operational rule is termed as queuing discipline. Alongside FIFO queues, other queuing disciplines include last-in-first-out, prioritized, and serve-in-random-order. Queue-Fair's online queues in their virtual waiting room adhere to the first-in, first-out queuing discipline.

Queue-Fair's virtual waiting room solution provides online queues that adhere to this first-come, first-served queuing discipline.

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The Mechanism Behind Queue-Fair's First-In, First-Out Operation

Queue-Fair's online queuing system operates on the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle, similar to how people line up outside a crowded store. When your website or app reaches its capacity, Queue-Fair places visitors in a virtual waiting room, assigning each a queue position based on their arrival time.

This centralized system provides an overview of incoming traffic, unlike content delivery network (CDN) prioritization tools. By using a users-per-minute inflow setting for turning on the queue, and a users-per-minute outflow setting for sending people from the front through to your protected site or app, Queue-Fair ensures that visitors are allowed back onto your site in a fair and orderly manner, maintaining optimal performance and customer satisfaction.

Unlike low quality offerings from other providers, which take several minutes of above-spec traffic to start showing queue pages, Queue-Fair will start showing queue pages the moment the inflow threshold is reached, and stop showing queue pages as soon as the queue is empty. This smooths your peaks into troughs, allowing you to make the most of the service capacity you already have without worrying about overload due to natural peaks and troughs across the day.

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What are the advantages of employing a FIFO queue in an online environment?

Online traffic has the potential to inundate your website or application, leading to operational challenges. Research suggests that 51% of IT outages can be prevented, with usage spikes identified as the second most prevalent cause of downtime by global IT decision-makers. Furthermore, around 65% of enterprises require more than an hour to rectify website issues once they occur. The financial impact of downtime is significant, with 91% of enterprises reporting costs exceeding $300,000 per hour.

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Implementing online queuing helps to prevent website crashes caused by high demand

During your most critical sales events, the consequences of website failures can be severe. Ensuring their smooth operation is paramount.

By employing a FIFO online queue system, you gain the ability to manage surges in online traffic that could potentially overwhelm your site, leading to crashes. Utilizing a first-in, first-out online queue effectively prioritizes and manages visitor access, ensuring optimal website performance precisely when it is most crucial.

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A FIFO queue ensures fairness in online processes

FIFO queues are universally acknowledged as the epitome of fairness, regardless of geographical location.

Dealing with high online traffic can be fraught with unfair and arbitrary methods. Certain waiting room solutions treat traffic as mere page requests rather than individual users, leading to a decentralized traffic view. Consequently, the speed at which visitors access your website depends on traffic conditions in their respective areas, undermining the fairness of the process.

In contrast, Queue-Fair's virtual waiting room offers a consistent perspective on all traffic, ensuring accurate order management. This capability aids in fostering a positive customer experience and upholding your brand integrity.

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A FIFO queue harnesses the principles of queue psychology

Recent studies in queue psychology highlight that the duration of the wait is not the primary factor influencing our perception, but rather how we feel during the wait. The sense of fairness significantly affects our emotional experience while waiting in line. Consider your last experience waiting in line; we often remain vigilant to prevent queue-jumping.

Understanding that a queue operates on the principle of first-come, first-served, and being presented with transparent wait information that confirms this, alleviates anxiety that might otherwise result in a negative user experience.

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A FIFO queue can enhance conversion rates

When your site is not busy, people use your site immediately without seeing a Queue Page. When things are busy, they may see a queue page for a short time, and it's essential to consider the alternative: a website crash that prevents access for everyone.

Customers who are willing to wait are typically more motivated to make a purchase, which can positively impact your conversion rates. Additionally, FIFO online queues provide visitors with insight into the popularity of a product. By receiving a queue number and transparent wait information, visitors understand and visually perceive the value of what they are waiting for, as evidenced by others also queuing for it. This visibility can further enhance the perceived value and desirability of the product, potentially increasing conversion rates.

Our retail clients tell us that people who have seen a Queue Page add 20% more to their shopping baskets, on average.

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In what scenarios is it beneficial to employ FIFO online queuing?

FIFO online queuing is particularly useful in the following situations:

Explore how implementing FIFO queuing aids in preventing website crashes.

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