You can use Queue-Fair completely free of charge on our Free Tier. For Unlimited Service, we have a variety of pricing models that suit different use-cases. Our most popular pricing plan is Usage Pricing, which means that Queue-Fair is priced by the number of visitors to your site and how often they are queued. Packed with unique features, we know we have the lowest pricing in the industry and pride ourselves on providing the best, fairest service at the most affordable price. Whether you are a small theatre or a giant online retailer we have the pricing solution that's right for you.
Our end customer licence entitles you to use our patented process as well as our product offering. A licence from us may therefore cover your use of a virtual waiting room or other online queue from another provider. If you don't intend to use our offering, or need time to transition to Queue-Fair from another provider, we have further reduced rates specifically designed to help you. If you are using a product affected by our intellectual property, we intend to help you, not sue you. Queue-Fair can protect your business from a wide variety of risks.
The price we charge for Queue-Fair is determined by the amount of traffic hitting the Queue-Fair platform and how often people are queued. To prepare a quote for you it is helpful for us to know the number of website visitors you get, both normally and in peak, how many queues you wish to implement, and the features you plan to use. Queue-Fair subscriptions typically run on a rolling three month basis, requiring no heavy commitment on your part.
Work out your pricing without the heavy lifting
2024 The Fair Queue People Ltd. - All Rights Reserved.
Part of the Orderly family of queue solutions - OrderlyQ - OrderlyStats - WeQ4U