How do virtual waiting rooms work?
A deep dive into how virtual waiting rooms and queue management systems work to prevent system overloads and crashes; Know from Queue Fair Experts.
Even the world's biggest companies get overwhelmed by peaks in demand, particularly sudden peaks. Systems architects make decisions based on expected demand and usual traffic rates. It is usually not possible to scale the tech serving your site on demand to prevent a website crash. All webservers have limits, and when they are exceeded, your visitors experience a crashed site.
More Orders
People who have been queued are keener to purchase and buy more - as much as 20% more in each shopping cart, according to our customers.
More Customers
Queue-Fair means you can serve new customers even when your servers are too busy to handle them. People who see an error page or no response at all from your site are unlikely to return - but you can reach all these people with Queue-Fair.
More Fair
Our unique synchronized people ahead counter means that people in the queue can always see that it is moving fairly.
More Ethical
Fairness matters to your visitors, and of course to us! We ensure no-one loses their place in our original first-come, first-served queues, and that visitors arrive at your site in the same order that they joined the queue. That's why we invented it in the first place.
More Fun
Animated progress bars in a range of brand-matching styles. Our unique synchronized ticking People Ahead Counter shows visitors that the queue is always moving forward, and always moving fairly.
Safeguard your website from crashes, peaks, bots and also your company's ethical reputation
More Safe
Discover the wealth of security features available with Queue-Fair to protect your site, app or NFT drop from malicious use.
More Responsible
Our wonderful customers tell us we're lovely people and a pleasure to deal with - and that's what really matters to us. We created the Virutal Waiting Room to make the world a fairer place, so you can be sure of our core values. We always put our customers first. Always.
More Value
Our patented process is cheaper to run than any other method. We pass on the cost savings to you. This also allows us to give you more on our Free Tier service than any other provider.
More Speed
Our patented process means we run the fastest queue servers in the world, and offer unlimited queue capacity on all our service plans.
More Opportunity
Keep the customers that you would lose to your competitors during costly down time. Use your queues to show product slideshows, videos or personalised marketing content to your visitors while they wait.
More Equitable
Our PreSale randomiser prevents touts & scalpers from snapping up all your tickets or stock, and we can use the queue to enforce one-order-per-customer for you too.
More Reliable
We run the most accurate Virtual Waiting Room service and will send you the exact right number of people each and every minute - the key to stable load on your servers. Unlike other providers our queues turn on the very instant that you need them too.
Adapters in every major web server language, or add Queue-Fair to your site with JavaScript with one line of code on your page - or no lines at all with Google Tag Manager.
You can also run Queue-Fair at the Network-edge, running on your CDN or Cloud Services provider before requests reach your origin server.
Adapters available for your busy iOS, Android and React Native apps too.
Protect your e-commerce site from costly down time
Queue-Fair helps you reach the customers that would be lost when your systems are overloaded, so your site or app can keep selling at its optimum transaction rate.
Sell all your tickets in one day safely and securely
Prevent the dreaded Refresh Refresh Refresh that kills your servers and damages fan loyalty. Show them that you care about their experience with our fair queue.
Cope gracefully with events, registrations and enrolments
You needn't scale your systems just for one busy day a year. Queue-Fair is fair and transparent for your students - who can go away and come back later without losing their place.
Handle massive public demand effortlessly and safely
Why stress out your IT department or your stakeholders? Conserve your resources and cope with any level of demand gracefully with Queue-Fair.
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Part of the Orderly family of queue solutions - OrderlyQ - OrderlyStats - WeQ4U